Responsive website designs represent an elementary shift in how we will build websites for the decade to come. Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design technique aimed at designing sites to provide an optimal viewing experience as per the requirement or availability. In simple words, an approach to provide a new comfort level by easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling or such pains of surfing across a wide range of devices ranging from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones

Responsive website designs firstly detect the width and height of the screen and then alter the layout of the website, so as to fit in that specific dimension. It has removed an issue of specific interfaces and devices to look for a data or perform a task.

“One Website, Many Devices”- is what a responsive website designs avail us and thus, more options to discover by providing a great user-experience across many devices and screen sizes. It is impossible to anticipate all the devices and screen sizes that searchers will use to access your site. A site that works well regardless of these variables will provide a better and more consistent user-experience than a site that is designed only for a specific device and screen size.

“Easier to Manage”- is another privilege provided by this kind of sites with any time access. The responsive websites design is focused on the comfort ability of viewers and users.

With one operation mode in responsive websites design managing one site and one SEO campaign is far easier than managing two sites and two SEO campaigns. This is a key advantage a responsive website has over a separate site.

Responsive website designs is recommended even by Google, it allows one website to provide a positive and much greater user-experience across many devices and screen sizes irrespective of sources. Responsive web design provides the benefit of both fixed and liquid layouts, and makes your website suitable for all kinds of devices and browsers as well. Thus, no exaggerations in saying that responsive web design provide a new standard to websites and have promoted the users to a new comfort level.